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The Full Story

Special Guests & Events

Going beyond the walls of our physical classroom was a way for me to enhance my learning as a teacher which translated into the progress of my children. Students thrive off of special events and guests that take space in their school community. With special guests like Deputy Superintendent, Reginald Higgins and other members of our school building, children get to learn from other very important and essential humans that make things run smoothly all around! It is important that as a teacher, I invite and extend a warm welcome to guests who are invited to come and make connections to student learning. 

Reginald Higgins comes for Read For America.png

Click "Full Powerpoint" to see one of the weekly powerpoint/newsletters I created to send to my families.

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Click "Full Powerpoint" to see one of the weekly powerpoint/newsletters I created to send to my families.

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Click "Full Powerpoint" to see one of the weekly powerpoint/newsletters I created to send to my families.

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Click "Full Powerpoint" to see one of the weekly powerpoint/newsletters I created to send to my families.

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Honoring Hispanic Heritage Month

Materials for the Arts artist, Mr. Louie, comes in and helps us celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! We are gifted some instruments and sing along to some songs that are in both English and Spanish. With this experience, I was able to inspire children to later talk about where their families come from. We drew pictures to share what we liked about Mr. Louie's musical visit. (2019-2020)

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