A teacher's journey of learning is an overflowing cup of wellness and awareness. There are many humans who have influenced by professional development impacting my human development and delivery as an educator.

Professional Development
With Professional Development, my experiences as a teacher has had meaning beyond the classroom. Educators come in different forms and with PD's happening, it was an essential way for me to grow, learn, and explore new ways to challenge my students at developmentally appropriate levels. I was invited to attend PD's including attendance to the principal's conference and Breathe For Change SEL and Yoga training, just to name a few! Check it all out below.
Special Guests & Events
Going beyond the walls of our physical classroom was a way for me to enhance my learning as a teacher which translated into the progress of my children. Students thrive off of special events and guests that take space in their school community. With special guests like Deputy Superintendent, Reginald Higgins and other members of our school building, children get to learn from other very important and essential humans that make things run smoothly all around! It is important that as a teacher, I invite and extend a warm welcome to guests who are invited to come and make connections to student learning.
Wellness Team Member: Me
The COVID-19 pandemic has evolved our home to school connection in various ways. I have evolved and increased my connections to families and family events because of the Zoom platform. Zoom has provided accessibility for many families of different living situations and backgrounds to be part of our school community. I have enhanced the home to school connection by voluntarily requesting participation in the District 2/3K Prek- Center Wellness Team led by parent coordinator, Nicole Dorsey. I have worked closely with Nicole Dorsey to make events like this possible and encourage wellness and social emotional development in the lives of many families!
Family Engagement
Family Engagement promotes social emotional development in children. When children see their family in the classroom, they are joyful and can make connections that increase their self-esteem. As a teacher in the classrooms I've lived in, children are enthusiastic about their own parent delivering some kind of instruction, including a story, or a small group activity. I have had the honor of teaching in rooms where parents are happy about coming in! Take a look ahead for more! Feel free to click on images for a closer look!