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Formal Observations and Whole Class Data

I used assessments as a way to track my students and their development. It is a tool that I utilized for instruction. With assessments, formal observations and feedback, I am able to differentiate instructions for my students and meet them where they are so that they thrive and apply what they learn onto the world around them. 

"Teaching Strategies Gold" and "Heggerty Phonemic Awareness" were tools of assessment utilized for my students.

Formal Observations


Pre-K Class: Midtown West 57th Street 

During this Formal Observation, I was able to deliver instruction based on the needs of my students and the District 2 3K/Pre-K Center goal around phonemic awareness and literacy development. My students were ready for the challenge and the lesson was one that could be and was differentiated around student's levels of development. I used assessment tool Teaching Strategies Gold to see where my students were performing, where they were expected to perform next and where they could be supported. Alliteration, identifying letters, and letter sounds is a developmentally appropriate pre-k skill that my students were ready for as some could be challenged by creating new words for this tongue twister in the activity. In Fall 2022-2023, I was able to assess my students through one to one, small group and large group instruction. I was also able to collect data during children's Choice Time and times where there were less instruction during free play at the gym or during some child lead activities that children in engaged in. When I was formally observed I knew that I wanted my children to move up on literacy objective 15b: Notice and discriminates alliteration. After completing this activity (done in Formal assessment) with the children, it was evident that most of the children were ready to be at pre-k level. Eight children out of twelve moved up from one level to the next and were performing at Pre-K Level. Click on the "Download" button below to view whole class data recorded on Teaching Strategies Gold assesment tool.


3K Class: Midtown West 57th Street

During this Formal Observation I was able to deliver instruction and include a small group activity that targeted the needs of my students. I invited my students to engage in an activity that had them create land, air and sea landscapes on a poster board. They were challenged to place the appropriate vehicles (boats, car, plane) on corresponding landscapes. Click on the link below to read formal observation completed for the school year 2021-2022.

Whole Class Teaching Strategies Gold Data
Fall 2022-2023

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Click button above for whole "Teaching Strategies Gold" (TSG) Class Data: Fall 2022-2023

Fall 2022-2023 Teaching Strategies Gold Data above represents my whole class data. With 70% of students performing below expectations with social emotional development, I knew that I had to put this at the forefront. When children feel seen, honored and safe, they have greater potential to thrive in other areas of development. I was able to provide students with the opportunity to grow by highlighting mindfulness practices in my classroom including yoga, breathing exercises and utilization of the Feelings Chart throughout the day. With 40% of children performing below expectations with physical and language development, I implemented activities that provided children the opportunity to use language to explain processes that they were engaged in even during non-structured play. I ensured to set up games that strengthened the class' physical development and highlighted this area in the gym as games like, foam block building, scooter riding, hula hoops, ball play (throwing, catching, rolling and kicking a ball). With 50% of students performing below expectations in the cognitive domain and 60% in mathematics I knew that I could put both of these hand in hand as I encouraged ad set up instruction where students could refer to their prior knowledge to build on new information and become pre-k mathematicians in and outside of the classroom. 

Whole Class Teaching Strategies Gold Data
Winter 2022-2023

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Click button above for whole "Teaching Strategies Gold" (TSG): Class Data: Winter 2022-2023

The Winter 2022-2023 bar graph above represents my whole class data. When it came to the social emotional domain, 100% of students were meeting expectations. Within the physical and cognitive domain 91.67% of children met expectations. When it came to language development, 75% of children met expectations. When it came to 58.33% of students in mathematics and 66.67% of students literacy development, they were shown to meet expectations. All areas of development have increased from the Fall 2022-2023 to the Winter 2022-2023 showing the my support in children's learning and growth through planned instruction. 

Heggerty Program Whole Class Data
Phonemic Awareness Curriculum

Heggerty Whole CLASS bar graph
Heggerty Whole Class.png

As a teacher that was invited and trained to start this phonemic awareness curriculum in the classroom, I welcomed it into my daily routine as much as my students do. Delivering Heggerty instruction and implementing it has allowed my students to enjoy rhyming with their own names everyday! It has also expanded on their play as they model doing Heggerty lessons with each other during Choice Time and other parts of the day. In the full class assessment below (click "Let's Go" button) I assess children one to one and they respond with what they know. With my supports and daily instruction, the Proficient Level was achieved by 10 out of 12 students in "onset fluency"9 out of 12 students "blending",  6 out of 12 students in "isolating final sounds (K Level skill)"  10 out 12 students in "Segmenting (K Level skill)" and 1 out of 12 students.  I will continue to implement the daily Heggerty lessons and will use this data to inform and organize my small groups so that children's needs are met. After learning how to implement small groups with Heggerty during my training, I have started to deliver small group instruction by skill, such as targeting onset fluency first until 100% of children are scoring at the proficient level. I was trained to target each skill for one week and then move on to the next skill. I have some new students that have just started in my classroom and I will include them into these small groups as well. 

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