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The Full Story

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Instructional Practice 
District 2 Pre-K Center: Peck Slip 2021-2022

During my second year of teaching at District 2 Pre-K Center: Peck Slip: I was able to teach a Pre-K classroom during the re-opening of in person learning after being locked down in the virtual world that the global pandemic forced us to. I was able to ensure that my students and families felt safe enough to come to school and learn from all that was to happen in a Pre-K Classroom no matter what circumstances we were faced with as the pandemic changed the way we interacted.

Peck Class Picture

My team and class at Peck Slip!
From (left to right)Myself, , my supportive classroom para, Simona Lloyd
 and my supporting floating para, Amanda Torres.


Planting Seeds for a Good Deed

Planting seeds creates connection to other living things. Children learn that they are contributors to creating beauty and life in their environment by planting seeds! With this activity, children I invite children to make connections about other things that change around them, including themselves!

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Butterfly Life Cycle

Bringing in life that evolves provided me with the chance to demonstrate to students an opportunity to care for and change the ways that they notice and see time. While some children thought they took a long time to become butterflies, in the end, children were in awe and learned that butterflies too shall be free when their wings have grown and are able to fly. We were able to do this at the end of the year to symbolize the children going off to Kindergarten in the following school year.

Mother's Day project.HEIC

Mother's Day Project

Mothers' Day provided with a sweet opportunity for family engagement. I invited all mothers to send in a picture of themselves. I worked with children in small groups so that they could bring home a sweet Mother's Day surprise. Children are invited to create a portrait of their mom as they use the photograph for reference. With teacher support, the two images went together on a self made frame and parents were greeted at dismissal with this new keepsake.

Birthday Chart

Birthday Chart

When we transferred over our birthday chart to the Dramatic Play Center, children used it to pretend play birthday parties and read the pictures. It eventually lead to some children reading the months on the chart and knowing when a child's birthday was coming up.  We read together and we set it up together as children got to find their name card with their birthday date on it to place it next to their birthday month. With this tool, children expanded on their literacy and math skills as they used it to talk about numbers and months. 

Syllable Train Remote Teaching

Syllable Train: Remote Learning

Remote Learning was still a way of life as classroom or school closures occurred due to COVID-19 infections. This tool (image & powerpoint above) was used during one of my remote teaching sessions. Children got on the syllable train and clapped out each of their names! With this activity, children were then able to identify syllables in words other than their names. Children also enjoyed clapping out each other' s names during play.

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Question of the Day
Remote Learning

This Question of the Day was used as a remote teaching tool to have students participate and engage during the Tree Unit of Study. We utilize math as we count how many friends provided a response under each option. We also identify what the item is and I model it with writing through the screen at the time of the teaching session.

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